Weihnachtsdrink mit Zimt

Cinnamon – a versatile spice for the Advent season

Alcomo, Latest News, News, Nutrition
Dear Alcomo News readers,The Advent season has arrived, and with it the time for warm spices that give us a cozy feeling of comfort. One spice that should not be missing at this time of year is cinnamon. Whether in cookies, mulled wine or Christmas decorations – cinnamon is a real classic. But what makes…
Automatische Temperaturaufzeichnung für HACCP-konforme Dokumentation mit Gateway und Sensoren

Automated recording of the temperature in cooling units

Automatic temperature logging for HACCP-compliant documentation with gateway and sensorsThe use of technology to make work easier in restaurant and catering kitchens has long been an indispensable fact of life, be it with combi-steamers, sous-vide cookers or automatic deep fryers.Since HACCP documentation can be done via smartphone and tablet, such as with the Alcomo HACCP…
Eggs in egg box

Salmonella in chocolate from Barry Callebaut

Salmonella is mainly known in connection with raw eggs. But these bacteria can also be found in chocolate.Barry Callebaut had to halt chocolate production at its factory in Wieze, Belgium, after salmonella was detected in a batch produced on site on Monday. At the moment, further investigations are underway.At the beginning of April, a Ferrero…

A good start into the new year

Alcomo, Latest News, News
You may have already made new resolutions for 2022 at the end of last year.If you believe in it, then it will work! Not for nothing is it said that “faith moves mountains”. It is best to start right away, perhaps with a small hill and not immediately with the largest mountain.We wish you a…