Wie können wir helfen?


The admin e-mail address was defined during registration.

The admin account is central for managing your invoices, your subscription and for full access to the app and the Alcomo Cockpit.

Invoices are automatically sent to the admin e-mail address specified during registration. However, if you wish to receive the invoices at a different e-mail address, you will need to change the admin e-mail address.

PDF reports generated by the app are sent to this address for data protection reasons, but can also be created directly in the Alcomo Cockpit.

For restaurant managers or administration, we recommend setting up an additional manager account. This also has full access to the app and the Alcomo Cockpit, but without access to the admin area for billing and subscription management.

Change admin e-mail

To change the admin e-mail address, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in at https://www.alcomo.com/en/my-account/ and navigate to your account details.
  2. Change the e-mail address and save the change.

After the change, all logins will work with the new e-mail address. The password remains unchanged unless it is changed in the same step.

Create manager account

To create a manager account, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in at www.alcomo.com/cockpit.
  2. Navigate to Configuration / Employees.
  3. Create a new account.
    • Select “Manager” to assign all manager authorizations
    • Create own login for this account by saving own e-mail address and setting a password
      (Passwords can be changed by the employee in the app. Managers can also change passwords in the Alcomo Cockpit)

Employee logins

It is possible to create own logins for your employees. Without selecting “Manager”, these employees do not have access to the configuration, but only to the checklists relevant to them.

The steps described are easy to carry out and should not require a great deal of time.
